Sunday, January 30, 2011

Waltzing at Matilda's

A relaxing morning at Rob’s in Denmark, with the girls playing with Eva (Stu and Chantal’s sweet girl) and the boys catching the waves at Ocean Beach with Stu’s brother Gary.  The weather is cool and rainy but not unpleasant after our stint in the hot North.  We tucked our RV into Rob’s trailer in preparation for the storm, but according to the satellite weather, the storm has beaten itself out and been downgraded to a Tropical Low, meaning some showers and cooler temps but not the wind and downpours we might have expected.  All is Good.

Rob returned in the afternoon from Albany to lead us to the local Sunday afternoon hot spot, Matilda’s Vineyards. All summer long, Matilda’s celebrates the season with a local band, today it was Beat-roots, and with a picnic blanket and a glass of vino, we spent a wonderful afternoon enjoying good company in laid-back Denmark style.  Pinot Noir, Shiraz and Cabernet, all full bodied and delightful, and soon we were joining the locals on the dance floor, moving to the cool jives of the band….. Denmark is like the Hornby Island of West Coast Canada.

Returning to share a meal at Rob’s we were treated to some wonderful poetry, as Rob is a bush balladeer extraordinaire.  He recites from memory the classics including Man from Snowy River, and also has at least 75 poems of his own repetoire, most the length of the ballads of Robert Service.  We were all entertained by his talents, and certainly would encourage him to publish his collection so they can be shared even beyond his personal performances.  His work is certainly worth publication.   Travis managed to catch a couple of his poems including his own comical ending to The Man From Snowy River on video, and we will enjoy sharing it with Canucks in our homeland once we are home.

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